Ladies Who Do Too Much

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Take Time 4 U

I suppose since I didn’t get any responses back in May I just didn’t think that anyone was interested in what I had to say…and this may be true… however I think I may take another swing at this blogging thing.

First of all thanks for coming by to read my blog. When I started this blog in May of this year I was one of those "women who do too much" , and don’t get me wrong I still am a little over booked… but a little over 2 months ago I was blessed with a boyfriend who … I suppose makes me take more time for me.

So this is to my ladies who do too much(LWD2M)…
Thought of the DayTAKE TIME FOR YOU… ... if you don't who will?

To Those LWD2M who are single:
When I was constantly doing too much it was mainly because I didn’t have a boyfriend or anyone to really occupy my time. In my mind I felt that my time HAD to be occupied so I did productive things in the community such as volunteering for just about everything. And when someone asked me to do something I rarely said no. This my ladies is a problem. We must learn to take time to sit back, relax, and maybe actually face some of the things that are bothering us… we must learn to TAKE TIME FOR US!


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