Ladies Who Do Too Much

Friday, April 21, 2006

What a female needs...

I haven't written on this blog for sometime now... and no I haven't been doing too much. Just a lot of life events and lack of topics to write have prevented me from keeping up with the Ladies Who Do Too Much Blog"... however I am a member of the Women's Wallstreet website and this was today's thought of the day that I thought would be cute and a quote that would make some women laugh . I hope you enjoy & if you come across this blog leave me a message or ideas for future topics.

From birth to 18 a girl needs good parents. From 18 to 35 she needs good looks. From 35 to 55 she needs a good personality. From 55 she needs good cash."
-- Sophie Tucker


Liza Corrine

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Exactly who is Anonymous

For most of history, Anonymous was a woman. - Virginia Woolf

How true this must be… let us reflect for simply a moment. Throughout history women were often treated as children, expected to be seen and not heard. Therefore there were probably numerous occasions that women enlightened the world with their profound wisdom in a way only females could… merely to be recorded throughout time as … Anonymous. I believe the same to be true for minorities and others that were treated inferiorly throughout history.

So from this point you may stop for a moment to think each time you see a quote or short story marked with the notation… Anonymous or Author Unknown…. I wonder who could have written this.

Thank God for the advancement of many that were treated unfairly from times of past. Though we have come a long way we have “miles to go before I sleep, miles to go before I sleep”-Robert Frost

I always like to see what you all have to say about what I write…. So take a moment and leave me a note.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Do women really seek EQUALITY to men?

Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.
- Timothy Leary

I was debating on whether or not to use this quote. However after consulting with a trusted friend, they put it into a little clearer perspective simply by changing the comparison from gender to specific names.

{INSERT NAME HERE}, who seeks to be EQUAL with {INSERT ANOTHER NAME HERE} lacks ambition.......

To equate yourself is to strive for mediocrity.....One should want to exceed another not be his equal - KGM

Just something to think about for today. I would love to hear your responses.

Friday, January 13, 2006

SOME ways MEN have it made...

A laugh for the ladies. This is a forward which many of you may or may not have seen. I am not really into sending forwards and I thought what better way to share things that I find humorous or would just like to share without being the "forwarding girl"...Hence I will "Just Blog it!"(TRADEMARKE PENDING)

Granted all these things are not an inconvenience for ladies, nor by any means am I saying that men have it easy or easier, however you can see the point being made. It is a tad edited, however I hope you will enjoy and they bring a laugh to your day...

Some ways men have it made...
Your last name stays put.
Wedding plans take care of themselves.
Chocolate is just another snack.
You can never be pregnant and still have contributed to the glorious creation called children.
 You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park.
 You can wear NO shirt to a water park and not be scorned by the society.
 Car mechanics tell you the truth.
 The world is your urinal.
 You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky.
 Statistically proven..Same work, more pay.
 Wrinkles add character.
 Wedding dress $5,000. Tux RENTAL-$100.
 People typically don't stare at your chest when you're talking to them.
 The occasional well-rendered belch is practically expected.
 Phone conversations are commonly over in 30 seconds flat.
 A five-day vacation requires only ONE suitcase.
 If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend.
 Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack.
 Three pairs of shoes are commonly more than enough.
 Everything on your face stays its original color.
 The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades.
 You can play with toys all your life.
 One wallet and one pair of shoes one color for all seasons.
 You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look.
 You can "do" your nails with a pocket knife.
 You have freedom of choice concerning growing a 'stache.
 You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24 in 1hr or less.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Find an Outlet for YOU!

It is my suggestion for all LWD2M to find something you enjoy... an outlet if you will! If you do not have a hobby or are bored with your current hobbies and looking for something new... I suggest that you find a new, healthy, fun hobby. It could even be just quite time to yourself... think about... *dream sequence*

Personally, I have always enjoyed the game Scrabble. It challenges the mind often helps in building vocabulary and perfecting spelling. I also enjoy bowling. A pastime for those with a strong arm and a good aim :) ... As of late August I started my latest hobby... Texas Hold 'em.... which is lots and lots of fun!... if I can only find opponents ...

My personal hobbies are reading, listening to music, and silence.
- Dame Edith Sitwell

Monday, December 19, 2005

Marathons ... not what you think

I am at that age where 37.5% of my friends are getting married, 37.5% are having babies and the other 25% are just trying to find out where they fit in in the grand scheme of things.

November 2005 began my friends’ and acquaintances “Baby Marathon”(BM). I have…
• one friend who gave birth Thanksgiving Day (IL)
• one to give birth in December (SC)
• two to give birth in January (VA & AZ)

and that is it as far as I can recall right now

As far as I know now.. June 2006 begins my “Wedding Marathon” (WM) and the season is not forseen to end until September. I have three weddings scheduled for June 17th and there is NO WAY I can make all three because they are in NC, SC, & GA. Why is it that June is such a popular wedding month? … other than the fact that it is the beginning of Summer... Well I will travel to weddings in NJ, PA, GA, & SC over those hectic WM Months.

In the true spirit of LWD2M I will probably travel to all of those WM places and purchase gifts for all those BM and WM participants. Some may look at this as a lot of work, however I look at it as fun and both BM & WM will provide me with some way to express my creativity :) .

Thought for the LWD2M Plan and Schedule… it will cut down on your rush, but remember there will always be people who will challenge or totally revolt your planning, nonetheless you always have one in place :)

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Prayer Changes Things

How many of you truly believe that prayer changes things?... Well, I do. And for all of you out there who share this belief(and those who may not) I request your prayers. I am going through a rather private trying/challenging time in my life where basically only me, God, and one other person are fully or at least 85% aware of things that are going on. I say 85% because no one but God can be 100% aware.

Have you ever believed in something so much it frightens you at times… well I do. I believe that all LWD2M have to at some point. Whether it is believing in yourself, someone else, or an idea… or something completely different. If it is meant to be, if it is right… you may never know… but through prayer I believe an answer or at least a clearer picture can be seen. Let me know how you feel….

Thought of the dayTake Time to Pray… for prayer truly changes things… and lets you get your thoughts and the desires of your heart “out”